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T ThvSubject Matter'irTy0ĉkagNTerms of Payment2.1pNe^N Ǐ(W-NVvL_Qё:NT T;`ё100sS v^NVSe:N6evNvNSdO(u O(uy N'>kNĉRY NThe Buyer shall, , open an irrevocable L/C with a bank located in China which shall cover % of the total Contract Amount ( ) and shall be in favor of the Seller. The L/C shall be negotiated as follows:2.1.1T T;`ёv90%sS (W'irSЏTQN NUSncNUSnc_{(WňЏew )YKNQN󁮋NL : % of the total Contract Amount ( ) shall be paid after the shipment of the Goods by virtue of the following documents, which must be presented to the negotiating bank within days after the shipment date:hQWYnm]ňЏwmzz ЏcUS zz}vb4Y zz}v̀fN lf Џ9  0Full set of Clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading or Air Way Bill, marked  Freight  , made out to order, and blank endorsed. T T;`ё100%vFUNShySNN_VN lfT TS0U4YSO(uS0Commercial Invoice covering 100% of the total Contract Amount in 4 originals, indicating Contract No., Shipping Mark and L/C Number.~ň{USSNN_VN lfSň{Pge0{pe0k{vk͑TQ͑0;`k͑S;`Q͑0Detailed Packing List in 4 originals, indicating package material, package quantity, gross and net weight for each package, and total gross and net weight.1u6R FUQwQv(ϑTpeϑfNSN1N0Certificate of Quality and Quantity in 1 original issued by the Manufacturer.1u6R FUQwQvSN0WfNSNN_$NN0Certificate of Origin in 2 originals issued by the Manufacturer.ňЏTVSe~pNeSvňЏw OwoR,g lfT TS0TT0Npe0k/Q͑0Shyё0zzTTňЏeg0The fax copy of the shipment advice from the Seller to the Buyer after the shipment, indicating Contract No., commodity name, total packages, gross/net weight, invoice amount, ship name and shipment date.1uVSeQwQv^(g{SňfSN1N b1uVSeQwQ@b g(g(Sň]~ cgq 0VE8f-N(g(SňPge{tQR 0Ytv^hf IPPC h_vfSN1N0The Non-wood Package Declaration Letter in 1 original issued by the Seller, or the Declaration Letter in 1 original issued by the Seller which indicates that all the wood packing materials have been handled in accordance with the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures and have been marked with the  IPPC logo.OiUSbOifNWY fVSe] cT T;`ёv110%bONRi0One set of Insurance Policy or Certificate, which indicates that the Seller has covered all risks for 110% of the total Contract Amount.~pNenxv6eTkLOo`:NThe Seller s bank account information is as follows:7bT/Bank Account Holder _7bL/Bank L&S/Account No. L0W@W/Bank Address LNx/Swift Code ONNx/Enterprise Code 2.4d,gT TS g~[Y Ve\L,gT T(WpNeLSuvL9(u1upNebb (WVSeLSuvL9(u1uVSebb0Unless otherwise stipulated herein, all banking expenses arising from the performance of this Contract within China shall be borne by the Buyer, whereas, all banking expenses arising from the performance of this Contract outside China shall be borne by the Seller.ňЏ0OiTSňShipment, Insurance and PackageňЏag>k Terms of ShipmentVSe^(W,gT T~[vgPQňЏ'ir N,gT T~[vňЏ/nSЏ0R,gT T~[vvv/n0The Seller shall arrange the Goods for shipment within the deadline and ship the Goods from the Port of Loading to the Port of Destination as stipulated in this Contract.3.1.1ňЏgP 0Time of Shipment: .3.1.2ňЏ/n 0Port of Loading: . 3.1.3vv/n 0Port of Destination: .3.1.4NAQRybňЏSlЏ0Partial shipment and transshipment is not allowed.3.1.5'irňЏT, VSe^zsSN OwTNe_\T TS0TT0Npe0k/Q͑0ShyёS9TTS'egI{ňЏOo`wpNe0After the shipment, the Seller shall inform the Buyer immediately by means of Fax and E-mail of the Contract No., commodity name, total packages, gross/net weight, invoice amount, ship name and shipment date.Oi Insurance3.2.11u cT T;`ёv %bO iy 0The shall take out (type of insurance) for % of the total Contract Amount.3.2.2sQNOivyr+R~[ 0Special arrangements regarding insurance: . Sň Package3.3.1'ir[ň@bv]wQSPge0f_cNYN ^,gT T'ir TeSЏ0The tools and materials for the erection of Goods, and easily-worn-out parts (spare parts) shall be shipped simultaneously together with the Goods.3.3.2@b gUSrSňvN^N-Nebeh~{h:y v^Nň{USN0Those parts packed separately shall be marked with Chinese or English labels, and shall be in line with the Packing List.3.3.3VSecOvb/gDeSb I{De^Neb-NefNQ N^[te0nZiScknx NnT T'ir[ň0d\OT~OI{Bl0I{b/gDe^'ir TeSЏ YgI{De(WЏ-N"N1Yb_cOW VSe^(W6e0RpNefNbwT eQǏ_e_͑eMQ9cO:1Yb_cOWvDe0Yg(W'ir[ňՋTI{b/gDeO9ev O9eTvDe\(W'ir~6eT hTQMQ9cO~pNe0The Seller shall provide the following Technical Documentation: , which shall be written in English or Chinese, and shall be complete, clear and correct to satisfy such requirements as Goods installation, operation, maintenance and etc.. The aforementioned Technical Documentation shall be shipped together with the Goods, and if any Technical Documentation is lost or destroyed during the transportation, the Seller shall re-provide such missing or destroyed Technical Documentation by express delivery within days after the Seller receives the Buyers written notice. After the installation and debugging of the Goods, if any Technical Documentation needs any amendments, the Seller shall provide the amended Technical Documentation to the Buyer free of charge within weeks after the final inspections on the Goods.3.3.4VSe^['irǑ(ubrVSňv^9hnc'irN TyrpǑS2no020202P02I{ce NO'irYbSňxS0,dЏSwmЏTQFЏ0Ǒ(u(g(Sňv @b g(g(SňPgeGW{~ǏqmkYtdkY VSe^(WňЏT3eQ (u_e_TpNe[Q@b g(g(Sň]~ cgq 0VE8f-N(g(SňPge{tQR 0Ytv^lf IPPC h_vfSN0YVVSeNSecO&{T-NVwmsQBlvI{f [pNeNbsQv 1udkNuv@b g9(u SbFONPNߏ^bsQvvsQ9(u0NP9 ^1uVSebb0The Seller shall pack the Goods with solid packaging materials and shall, based on the different characteristics of the Goods, take corresponding measures to prevent the Goods from moisture, rain, rust, corrosion, shock and etc., for the purpose that the Goods can withstand loading and unloading, handling and long-distance ocean and inland transportation. If any wooden packages are used, all the wooden package materials shall be fumigated, and the Seller shall, within 3 days after the shipment, present the original Declaration Letter to the Buyer by means of express delivery which indicates that all the wood packing materials have been handled in accordance with the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures and have been marked with the IPPC logo. If the Seller fails to present the aforementioned Declaration Letter in time which is in compliance with the requirements from the China Customs, and therefrom the Seller cannot clear the customs, the Seller shall bear the relevant costs and expenses, including but not limited to fees for delayed customs declaration, warehousing charges.3.3.5VSe^(uN*rlo(Wk*NSň{ Nhf{pe0k͑0Q͑0:\xT 2no 0 {>e 0 dkzg N I{W[7h NSU4Y 0The Seller shall mark on each package by using fadeless paint with package quantity, gross weight, net weight, size, and such symbols as  KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE ,  HANDLE WITH CARE  ,  THIS SIDE UP and etc., and Shipping Mark .3.3.6k*N'{^D gNN~ň{UST'ir[ňV0Each package shall be accompanied with a detailed packing list and an installation drawing for the Goods. 3.3.7VSeSЏv'ir+T gqSiT/qSST VSe^(WňЏMRJTwpNe v^cOqSiT/qSST3ub@bv@b gvsQeN0VSe*g c,gag>k~[e\LJTwINRbcOqSiT/qSST3ubvvsQeN [pNeS0R-NVwmsQb-NVwmN@\YZv VSe^TPpNeT-NVwmsQb-NVwmN@\4~vYZ>ky v^TPpNe1udkmSv_c1Y0If the Goods shipped by the Seller contain any hazardous materials or hazardous chemicals, the Seller shall inform the Buyer before the shipment and provide the Buyer with all the relevant documents necessary for the declaration of hazardous materials or hazardous chemicals. If the Seller fails to inform the Buyer or to provide the relevant documents necessary for the declaration of hazardous materials or hazardous chemicals, and therefrom the Buyer is penalized by the China Customs or the Maritime Safety Administration of China, the Seller shall compensate the Buyer for such penalties and indemnify the Buyer for the losses incurred therefrom. 3.3.8YVVSeSňbЏNS_ b'irk:0_cOWbuv VSe^(Wc0RpNewT eQۏLfbcbOt 1udkNuvNR9(u1uVSebb0If the Goods is incomplete, or gets destroyed or rusty due to the Seller s improper package or transportation, the Seller shall replace or repair the Goods within days after its receipt of the notice from the Buyer, and the relevant costs and expenses shall be borne by the Seller.ۏShhuS_{6e Pre-inspections, Import Inspection and Quarantine, and Open-package InspectionsۏShhu Import Inspection and Quarantine4.1.1'ir0Rvv/nS\T VVSeSV[pNeS0R-NVwmsQb-NVۏQSFUThhu:ggYZv VSe^TPpNeVdk4~vYZ>ky v^TPpNe1udkmSv_c1YVVSeSV['ir*gǏ-NVwmsQvgb-NVۏQSFUThhu:ggvFUh [pNe*gc6e'irv pNe gCg' VSe^bbVdk[vvsQ9(uv^؏pNe]/eN>ky0After the Goods arrive at the Port of Destination, if the Buyer is penalized by the China Customs or the inspection and quarantine authorities of China on imported and exported commodities for the reasons attributable to the Seller, the Seller shall compensate the Buyer for such penalties and indemnify the Buyer for the losses incurred therefrom; if the inspections from the China Customs or the inspection and quarantine authorities of China on imported and exported commodities fail for the reasons attributable to the Seller and therefrom the Buyer fails to receive the Goods, the Buyer shall be entitled to return the Goods, and the Seller shall bear the relevant costs and expenses arising therefrom and return the Buyer such payments that have been paid by the Buyer.4.1.2-NVwmsQvvsQhgbJTb-NVۏQSFUThhu:ggvFUhbJT>f:y'irvTy0ĉf:y'ir g:1Yb_cOWv Se Ta I{bJT\O:N'irNT T~[N&{vf0If the relevant inspection reports from the China Customs or the inspection and quarantine authorities of China on imported and exported commodities indicate that the names, specifications, quantities or qualities of the Goods are not in compliance with this Contract, or that the Goods is incomplete or destroyed, both Parties agree that the aforementioned reports shall be regarded as a certificate that the Goods is inconsistence with the stipulations of this Contract.4.1.3ňЏ/nhhu:ggvFUhbJTNvv/nhhu:ggvFUhbJT gNNv Nvv/nvFUhbJT:NQ0Should there any discrepancies between the commodity inspection reports from the inspection and quarantine authorities conducted in the Port of Loading and the Port of Destination, the commodity inspection reports from the inspection and quarantine authorities conducted in the Port of Destination shall prevail._{6eOpen-package Inspections'ir(Wvv/n[bۏSnsQT pNe\(WvQMON-NV^sg^v]Ss:W['irۏL_{6esS['irvSň0Y‰SpeϑۏLnphg 0VSe gCgb9(u>mNhpNes:WSN_{6e pNe^cMR14)YwVSe0~pNewT VSe*g0R:WSN_{6ev pNe gCgUSrۏL_{6e VSe^SpNeUSr_{6ev~0After the import customs is cleared in the Port of Destination, the Buyer shall conduct open-package inspections (in terms of packages, appearances and quantities) on the Goods in the Buyer s plant located at Yulin, Guangxi of China. The Seller shall be entitled to participate in the aforementioned open-package inspections on its own account, and the Buyer shall inform the Seller 14 days prior to the open-package inspections. After the Seller is informed of the open-package inspections and did not participate in the open-package inspections, the Buyer shall be entitled to conduct open-package inspections alone, and the Seller shall accept the relevant open-package inspection results from the Buyer. [ňՋT~6e Installation and Debugging, Final Inspections[ňՋ Installation and Debugging5.1.1'irv[ňՋ1uVSe# VSe^ c,gT TSb/gOSvsQBl['irۏL[ňՋ0The Seller shall be responsible for the installation and debugging of the Goods, and shall install and debug the Goods as required in this Contract and in the Technical Agreement.5.1.2VSe^(W t^ g eMR[b'irv[ňTՋ v^(W[ň_YMR )YwpNe0The Seller shall complete the installation and debugging of the Goods before , and shall inform the Buyer days prior to the installation.5.1.3'ir[ňՋg VSeSVSeNXT^S_u[pNevvsQ{tĉ[ VVSebVSeNXTSV bv"N_c1YbN_c[ 1uVSebbTP#N0During the installation and debugging of the Goods, the Seller, together with its staff, shall abide by the Buyer s relevant management regulations, and the Seller shall take the responsibility for the property losses and personal injuries for the reasons attributable to the Seller itself and the Seller s staff.5.1.4'ir[ňՋgT(Og[IN Ne Q YV'ir(ϑfbcNv VSeN_O(uSD&^vYN0YnxO(u'irSD&^vYN RVSe^(WO(uT30)YQ\O(uvYNe~pNe 1udkNuv9(u1uVSebb0During the installation and debugging of the Goods, and during the Warranty Period (as defined below) of the Goods, if some parts are necessary for replacement owing to the qualify problems of the Goods, the Seller shall not use those accompanied spare parts. If the Seller has to use those accompanied spare parts, it shall re-supply the relevant spare parts within 30 days after its usage of the accompanied spare parts, with the relevant costs and expenses to be borne by the Seller itself.5.1.5[ňՋǏ z-Nb[bT VSe[pNe gsQNXTۏLs:WW wQSOBlb/gOS0During and after the installation and debugging of the Goods, the Seller shall provide on-site trainings for the Buyer s relevant staff as required in the Technical Agreement.~6e Final Inspections5.2.1VSe[b[ňՋv^cOWT, ^S_wpNe~~~6eNVSe^SN~6e 1uSe9hncb/gOST,gT TvvsQ~[ۏL~6e0~6eTg*gVYv Ɖ:NSpNev_0YSeel1\'ir(ϑbNav 1uSeVSefNbVYN TapNecQv(ϑ_KNew20eQqQ TYXb,{ Net[:gg ۏLt[ Se(W NgPQ*gqQ TYXb,{ Net[:ggۏLt[v R1upNeLYXb,{ Net[:ggۏLt[ t[~g[SeGWwQ g~_gRSeqQ TYXb,{ Net[:ggۏLt[v t[9(u1uVSeN pNeLYXb,{ Net[:ggۏLt[v t[9(u1upNeN v^g~9hnct[~g1u#Nebb0If the Buyer raises any objections to the quality of the Goods, the Seller shall reply in a written form to the Buyer within days after its receipt of the Buyer s objections, and the Seller shall be deemed to accept the Buyer s objections if it fails to do so. If the Parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality issues of the Goods, the Parties shall jointly entrust an independent inspection authority, namely , within 20 days after the Seller replies to the Buyer in a written form to express its disagreements with the Buyers objections to the quality of the Goods, to conduct quality accreditations, and if the Parties fail to do so within the deadline stipulated herein, the Buyer shall be entitled to entrust any inspection authority to conduct quality accreditations, the results of which shall be binding on both Parties. If the Parties jointly entrust the inspection authority to conduct quality accreditations, the relevant accreditation expenses shall be prepaid by the Seller, and if the Buyer entrusts the inspection authority to conduct quality accreditations, the relevant accreditation expenses shall be prepaid by the Buyer. The Party who is responsible for the quality issues of the Goods shall bear the relevant accreditation expenses.O[SwƋNCgConfidentiality and Intellectual PropertyVSe^[,gT TQ[NSVe\L,gT T cbw`vpNeN:NlQO@bw`vNROo`TDeۏL%N@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bzȼwiZZZZZZZZZZZKh2rh7<CJH*\aJo(h&K4h&K4CJ H*\aJ o(h)hy UCJ H*\aJ h*hy UCJ H*\aJ o(h&K4hy UCJ H*\aJ o(h<-h<-5CJ,H*aJ,o(hy U5CJ H*aJ o(h) 5CJ H*aJ o(hKN5CJ H*aJ o(h"h"5CJ H*aJ o(h(dh(d5CJ H*aJ o(h(d5CJ H*aJ o(h&K4hy UCJH*\o(*>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`dHWDX`gd&K4dHWDX`gd $dHa$gd&K4 $da$gd<- $da$gd"dHgd&K4`b|~l > 5$% ^a$gdKN $% a$gdKN% $dH@&a$gd  $dHa$gdrFdHgd&K4 dHWD~` gddHWDX`gd&K4z|~;yyhYTTLHLhD"FjhD"FU hmo(hJ hJ CJ H*\aJ o( hJ hJ 5CJ,H*\aJ,o(h}:(5CJ,H*\aJ,o(h2r5CJ,H*\aJ,o(h&K4hy UCJ H*\aJ o(h2rh^S3CJH*\aJo(heCJH*\aJh2rh[CJH*\aJo(h(dCJH*\aJhCJH*\aJo(hrFCJH*\aJo(h2rhy UCJH*\aJo(     " * , . ` 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The mandatory disclosure of such Confidential Information as required by the relevant governmental authorities shall not apply to this Clause. The term of Confidentiality under this Contract, which shall not be governed by the rescission or termination of this Contract, shall end on the date when the Confidential Information is legally disclosed by the Buyer.VSeOvQQ.Uv'irNOrNUO,{ NevwƋNCg0Y,{ Ne;N _'irOrvQwƋNCg VSe^ cgqpNevBlcOvsQDev^ǑSNRceOSRpNeۏLgTYt0Y'irOr,{ NewƋNCgv VSe c,gT T;`ёv20%TpNe/eNݏ~ё ݏ~ёNN%_epNeVdk@bSv_c1Yv VSe^SLTPNVSe^b9(u(WpNeBlvgPQ9hncpNev bǑSN Nce1 O9e'irNONQOCgb2 S_,{ NevS0YpNeV'irOCg mɋe VSe^bɋ_wvNR9(u SbFONPNɋ90OhQ90lQ90g90_^90$RQTPёI{0The Seller hereby warrants that the Goods under this Contract will not infringe any intellectual property rights of any third parties. Should a third party claim that the Goods under this Contract infringe its own intellectual property rights, the Seller shall provide relevant documents and take all measures as required by the Buyer to assist the Buyer to conduct investigations and to deal with the infringement claims. If the Goods under this Contract infringe any intellectual property rights of any third parties, the Seller shall pay the Buyer 20% of the total Contract Amount as the penalty. In case the aforementioned penalty cannot cover the losses the Buyer has sufferer therefrom, the Seller shall compensate the Buyer for the uncovered amount. Furthermore, the Seller shall take the following actions on its own account, at the option of the Buyer, within the deadline as required by the Buyer: (1) amending the designs of the Goods to stop infringements; or (2) acquiring such third party s license. If the Buyer gets involved in any litigations due to the infringements of the Goods, the relevant costs and expenses of which shall be borne by the Seller, including but not limited to litigation fees, preservation fees, notarization fees, investigation fees, legal fees, awarded compensations and etc..ݏ~#N Liabilities for BreachYVSe*g c,gT T~[veňЏb[ňՋ'irv dVNSbR[IN Ne bpNeSV bY k>gN*Nfg VSe^ c,gT T;`ёv1%TpNe/eNݏ~ё NNfgv cNfg{ݏ~ё(WN'>ke1uNLN:Ncbd b1upNe(WN>keۏLcbdYVSe>gǏS[gPASfgv pNe gCgd,gT T VSed^/eNݏ~ёY ؏^(W6e0RpNedT TwKNew15eQ\pNe]/eNvT T>kyNpNe@b/eNvS^y؏pNe0If the Seller fails to deliver or install or debug the Goods as scheduled under this Contract, the Seller shall pay 1% of the total Contract Amount for each weak overdue as the penalty (if such overdue performance is less than a week, the overdue period shall be deemed as a week), except such failure is attributable to Force Majeure (as defined below) or the Buyer s reasons. Such penalty shall be deducted directly from the payments to be negotiated by the negotiating bank, or shall be deducted by the Buyer from its payments to the Seller. If the Seller s obligation performance of delivering or installing or debugging the Goods is overdue for 10 weeks, the Buyer shall be entitled to terminate this Contract, and the Seller shall pay the aforementioned penalties to the Seller, and shall refund the amounts in the original currency that have been paid by the Buyer in accordance with this Contract to the Buyer within 15 days after its receipt of the Buyer s notice regarding the termination of this Contract.YVSe@bcOv'irN&{T,gT Tbb/gOS~[v Sb'ir(WۏSnsQ0_{6e0[ňՋ0~6e6kNS(OgQSsvN&{0Eeb(ϑ VSe^ cN Ne_YtIf the Goods sold by the Seller is not in compliance with this Contract or the Technical Agreement, including any unconformities, hitches or quality problems in the course of import customs clearance, open-package inspections, installation and debugging, final inspections and during the Warranty Period, the Seller shall take the following measures correspondingly:8.2.1(WSNOt0fbcbev`Q N VSe^(WSsb6e0RpNewT )YQ[bOt0fbcbe VdkNuv@b g9(u1uVSebb0[fbcv'ir _{/fhQev^&{T,gT TTb/gOS~[vĉkyNpNe@b/eNvS^y؏pNe v^b'@bNuvNR9(u TPpNeVdk/eQvL9(u0Џ90FUh90Ny0x4YňxS9I{_c1Y0In case the Goods cannot be repaired or replaced due to serious defects, or the Good cannot be repaired after three times of repairs and/or replacements in accordance with the Clause 8.2.2 herein, the Seller shall consent to the Buyer s return of the Goods and shall refund the amounts in the original currency that have been paid by the Buyer in accordance with this Contract to the Buyer within 15 days after its receipt of the Buyer s relevant notice, with all the costs and expenses relating to the Buyer s return of the Goods to be borne by the Seller, and the Seller shall compensate the Buyer for such losses as banking charges, transportation expenses, commodity inspection fees, warehouse storage expenses, wharf loading and unloading expenses and etc..8.2.3YVSe*g cgq N,{8.2.1agb,{8.2.2agۏLYt b>gYtǏ30ev pNe gCgd,gT T VSe^S_(W6e0RpNedT TwKNew15eQ\pNe]/eNvT T>kyNpNe@b/eNvS^y؏pNe v^ c,gT T;`ёv20%TpNe/eNݏ~ё ݏ~ёNN%_epNe_c1Yv VSe؏^S_TPNR0In cases that the Seller fails to take the corresponding measures stipulated in Clause 8.2.1 or Clause 8.2.2 herein, or that the Seller delays in taking the corresponding measures stipulated in Clause 8.2.1 or Clause 8.2.2 herein for more than 30 days, the Buyer shall be entitled to terminate this Contract, and the Seller shall refund the amounts in the original currency that have been paid by the Buyer in accordance with this Contract to the Buyer within 15 days after its receipt of the Buyer s notice regarding the termination of this Contract and shall compensate the Buyer an amount equal to 20% of the total Contract Amount. Should the aforementioned liquidated damages do not cover all the losses of the Buyer, the Seller shall pay additional compensation to the Buyer.YgVSe9hnc,gT TTpNe/eNݏ~ёT/bTPv pNe gCgN^NVSevNUO>ky-Ncbd0If the Seller is obligated to pay the Buyer any penalties and/or compensations under this Contract, the Buyer shall be entitled to deduct such penalties and/or compensations directly from its any payments due to the Seller.z6e Taxationd,gT TS g~[Y -NV?e^9hnczlTpNe_6evN,gT T gsQbN,gT Te\L gsQv@b g^~z0wmsQsQzTvQ[zK1upNebb0Unless otherwise stipulated therein, all the taxable taxes, customs tariff and other taxes relating to this Contract or relating to the performance of this Contract, which are levied on the Buyer by the governmental authorities in China in accordance with relevant tax laws, shall be borne by the Buyer.d,gT TS g~[Y (W-NVXYSuvN,gT T gsQbN,gT TgbL gsQv@b g^~z0wmsQsQzTvQNzK1uVSebb0Unless otherwise stipulated therein, all the taxable taxes, customs tariff and other taxes relating to this Contract or relating to the performance of this Contract outside China, shall be borne by the Seller.NSbRForce MajeureNSbR:NNS0NSKQgNNSMQv6qNNT>yONN SbNNPN6q~p[0fqN0RqN0b]0?e^?eV{v9eSI{0Force Majeure is any natural events and social events that are unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable, including but not limited to natural disasters, riots, unrests, strikes, changes of government policies, etc.mSNSbRNe S(WNSbR`b_mdKNMR USe-NbkT Tve\L v0RNSbR`b_md T Te\LgPZPv^z^0The Party affected by the Force Majeure may unilaterally suspend the performance of this Contract until the Force Majeure is eliminated, in such case, the term of performance of this Contract shall be postponed accordingly. mSNSbRNe^S_kN^ߏ0WN5ubb Owe_\NSbRNNwSNe v^N(W15eQTSNecO勋NNv~Oo`S1u gsQlQ:gsQ0FUObvQ[:ggQwQv gHefeN f[vQNe\Lbߏ^e\LINRvSV TeǑSS_ce MNONSbR[T Te\LS;v_c1Y 2bk_c1Yib'Y0 The Party affected by the Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other Party about the Force Majeure event by telegraph or fax and shall provide to the other Party detailed information of such Force Majeure event and valid documentary evidences issued by relevant notary public, chamber of commerce or other authority, explaining reasons of impossibility of performance or delay in performance of this Contract; and at the same time, it shall adopt appropriate measures to reduce losses arising from the obstruction of performance due to the Force Majeure event and prevent further losses.YgNSbRNNvq_T]60ebSeNSbRNNvq_T gEQRncf\^~60e+T,gpe N Ne SNe gCg~bk,gT T0In the event that effects of the Force Majeure event have lasted for sixty (60) days or both Parties anticipate there are sufficient evidences that effects of the Force Majeure event will last for over sixty (60) days (inclusive), the unaffected Party shall have the right to terminate this Contract. wNoticepNVSSenx,gT T~[vT|N0T|0W@WNT|5u݋:NvQ gHevT|e_ vQ-NvT|0W@W:N,gT T@bmvT{|w0QNI{eNNS1\T TSu~~evsQw0eNTl_efNv0W@W0Both the Parties hereby acknowledge and confirm that their respective contact information as specified herein is valid and available, and their respective contact address shall be the address for the delivery of related notices and letters and etc. under this Contract and the delivery of relevant notices, documents and legal documents when there is any conflict for this Contract. NeTSNeSQv@b gveN0Bl0wTN>kQN NTy:N w GW^O(ufNbb__v^Ǐ1 S_b 2 cSOb_ b3 Owve_ c,gT TuvT|e_SNe0All documents, requests, notices and payment vouchers (hereinafter referred to collectively as  Notices ) sent by one Party to the other Party shall be made in writing and sent to the other Party as per the address stated in the first page of this Contract by (1) personal delivery, (2) registered mail or courier, or (3) fax.d^,gT TS gfnxĉ[ @b gw(W NR`b_geSue Ɖ:Nck_1 S_bv :N6e0RvOS_e2 NcSOb_Sv :N/eNhQDSQT,{N7 e3 Ǐ OwSv :N OwSQv^D gf]SQvbJTKNe0Unless expressly provided otherwise herein, all notices will be deemed to have been duly served by the earlier of the following: (1) if delivered personally, on the date when the notice is received; (2) if delivered by registered mail or courier, by the seventh (7) day after being posted with postage paid in full; (3) if sent by fax, by the time when the fax has been sent with delivery report received. ,gT Te\LǏ z-N pNVSSeT|NTT|e_SuSSv SuSSvNe^SewSNe pNVSSeT|Nv_egOo`Ngb[,gT TvO9e,d^~SeSLOSFU~{rfNbOSv^RvSelQz0In the course of performing this Contract, one Party shall inform the other Party in a timely manner if there is any change in its contact person or contact details. Communication between contact persons of the Parties shall not constitute an amendment to this Contract, unless it is negotiated separately by the Parties in a written agreement signed and sealed by both Parties. (ul_SN㉳QGoverning Law and Dispute Resolution,gT T(u-NNSNlqQTVl_NSb-NVQzl 0This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the People s Republic of China (exclusive of the conflict laws of China).(WT Te\LǏ z-NYSuN Se^OSFU㉳Q0OSFUNb NUONeS\勉NcN-NVVE~Nm8fNYXTO cgqvQS_e gHevNĉRۏLN N:N-Ne0NQ/f~@\v [SeGW g~_gR0d^N^SL[ N9T_^9^1u%ɋebb0All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiation, failing which, either Party may submit such disputes to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ( CIETAC ) for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of CIETAC effective at the time of submission. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both Parties. Unless ruled otherwise by the arbitral tribunal, arbitration fee and attorney fee shall be borne by the losing Party. vQNMiscellaneous Provisions ,gT TpNVSSeRvlQzbT TN(uz bl[NhN/cCgNh~{W[KNewuHe0T TN_FN VSegb0N pNegbN wQ g TI{l_HeR0This Contract will enter into force upon being affixed with common seals (or contract seals) of both Parties or signed by legal representatives/authorized representatives of both Parties. This Contract will be executed in six originals, with the Seller keeping two originals, the Buyer keeping four originals, and all counterparts being equally effective. ,gT TvNUOSfGW^ZPbfNbb__ v^N1uSeRvlQzbT TN(uz bl[NhN/cCgNh~{W[TeSuHe,gT T*g=\N[ SeS~{reEQOS eEQOSN,gT TQzKNY NeEQOS:NQ0Changes, modifications or amendments to this Contract shall not be valid unless made in writing and affixed with common seals (or contract seals) of both Parties or signed by legal representatives/authorized representatives of both parties; for any matter uncovered herein, the Parties may sign a supplementary agreement, where there is any conflict between such supplementary agreement and this Contract, the supplementary agreement shall prevail. ,gT TDNN,gT TwQ g TI{l_HeR0YDNQ[N,gT T gQzv N,gT TQ[:NQ0All appendixes hereto will have equal legal effect as this Contract. Should there any discrepancies between the appendixes and this Contract, this Contract shall prevail.,gT TN-Ne~{r0-Ne,gwQ g TI{HeR0Yg-Ne,g gNUONN N-Ne:NQ0This Contract will be made in both English and Chinese. The English and Chinese versions shall have equal legal effect. Where there is any inconsistency between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 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